Much-loved Great Uncle Bulgaria has forged a hugely successful career over the years – beginning as the leader of the famous wombles in their Wimbledon Common burrow. He’s always been a keen advocate of recycling and cleaning up rubbish – long before it became commonplace.
But now, after a long stint as the mouthpiece of Keep Britain Tidy on mainstream and wider media, the legend has remembered he’s a womble and has returned home to Wimbledon.

In a strange twist of fate, Great Uncle Bulgaria mysteriously found his way to Liverpool-based specialist removals company John Mason International.
Company director, Simon Hood, explains: “It was all very mysterious. He just appeared one day – donated to us by an anonymous benefactor. Our first reaction was to use our skills to take him home.
“The original wombles appear to have moved on from Wimbledon Common, so we decided on the next best thing – to take him to Wimbledon Football Club at Plough Lane.
“Great Uncle Bulgaria will now take pride of place at the club’s new WISH museum, and I’m sure he will use all his skills to encourage a whole new generation of wombles to make the most of the things that they find – things that the everyday folks leave behind. It’s been a pleasure to return him to his spiritual home, and we wish him all the very best in his semi-retirement.”
Great Uncle Bulgaria is not the first interesting removals project for John Mason International, and is unlikely to be the last. The company has moved a fascinating array of items and people to new homes, including the car from the Mad Max movies and, in another incredible feat, the world’s largest grand piano.
“We’ve also shipped a historic Royal Mail stagecoach to Texas in the US, and we transported ‘Plasticus’ a 10-metre whale, which was made from plastic removed from the ocean, beach clean and recycling plants,” adds Simon.
“In addition to the wonderful Great Uncle Bulgaria, we’ve helped TV, film and sports stars – not to mention members of the Royal Family – move home in the UK and overseas.
“They put their trust in us because they know we have a team of skilled and experienced professionals who handle the entire process, from handling their prized possessions and making sure they arrive in their new locations safe-and-sound, to dealing with visas and work permits. No matter who our customers are, where they hail from, or where they’re moving to, they can be assured of an excellent removals service that even the illustrious Great Uncle Bulgaria would be delighted with.”